Welcome to BobbyMooreGoldDiscs.com

To support the Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK and to celebrate 50 years since England won the world cup, we have a limited collection of 1,966 commemorative gold discs, all signed by legend, Sir Geoff Hurst MBE, available for you to purchase for your collection or a gift.

Here's a short message from him …

A message from Sir Geoff Hurst MBE about1966 Gold discs for Brilliant Memorabilia about Brilliant Memorabilia on Vimeo.


 This is your chance to own a very special and unique piece of football history.

Loved by every England fan, they make superb additions to your home, office, club and bar.

10% of the gross retail price from the sale of this commemorative disc will be paid to Cancer Research UK’s Bobby Moore Fund. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1089464), Scotland (No. SC041666) and Isle of Man (No. 1103).